REPOST: A Dangerous Prayer

August 2, 2009 at 1:33 pm (Uncategorized)

This is a repost from a few months ago.  But, it is something that I having been praying again, and would encourage you to do the same.

prayer1I thought I might share with you a prayer I have been praying.  But let me warn you, it is a dangerous prayer.  If you honestly request this of God, He may very well do it, and it won’t be comfortable.  It won’t feel good. It won’t help you sleep at night.  In fact, it may very well ruin your life. It has certainly been messing with mine.

God, I want to FEEL what You feel.  Break my heart with what breaks Yours.  Help me rejoice in the things that bring You joy. Tick me off with what ticks You off. Distress me with what distresses You. I want to see what You see, feel what You feel, and respond how You would respond.

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